Thursday, February 7, 2008

"Are You Gonna Be My Girl"

Ideally, this would end up being an essay about how music affects me and then I would go on to demonstrate the depth of my music knowledge and how I find meaning in every lyric every penned. However, it’s not. Trying to prove yourself through music is often an exercise in futility as people are bound to judge you based on your musical preference. Despite this, I put some serious thought into what video I was actually going to post. Since my parents are ancient, my musical tastes tend to run more to oldies, classic rock and other music that proves some modicum of actual talent. That being said, I don’t think Jet is a particularly amazing band and this is really a bad music video, but sometimes you need something to crank up and rock out to while driving around with the windows down . If I want to have an intelligent musical experience, more often than not I’ll be listening to The Beatles. Or Simon and Garfunkel. Or the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Or Cake, Julie London, Charlie Parker, Herbie Hancock. But I’m disinclined to turn this into an extensive list because, when you get right down to it, I don’t really care what other people think of what I listen to. I suppose it’s not about the music video itself, but the incisive Lester Bangs-esque commentary I should feel obliged to provide. Sad to say, this is not the song to evoke heart rending anecdotes and observations. Nonetheless, every time I hear that opening bass riff, my body involuntarily starts moving and my legs send that little tickle to my brain saying that they want to dance. Lack of chord variation and allegations of stolen ideas aside, there’s something powerful in the kind of music that just makes you want to get up and move.

1 comment:

Drew said...

Props on the music video, very nice. It definitely sounds like you know a lot about the different types of music and have some pretty good taste. I'm not much of an oldies and classic rock guy myself but I think it is cool that someone our age is able to appreciate music that our parents grew up listening to. I completely agree with you when you said that sometimes you just want to roll down the windows and rock out and "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" is a great choice for a song to do that to. Overall I thought it was a nice and informative post.